
Digi Berry

Managing Director


What do you enjoy (genuinely) about your job?

Psychology and what makes people tick has interested me since I was a teenager. Then I discovered marketing and the psychology behind purchasing. What makes us buy what we buy? It’s kept me hooked ever since.

There must be more?

Call it luck or great planning, but my working life has mirrored many aspects of what I enjoy in my personal life too. Art, photography, film, music, not to mention food, drink, skiing, festivals, cycling, people, and travel… the list goes on. There is never a dull day. Honestly.

Where did you cut your teeth?

It’s been an interesting journey from my early agency days working with clients such as Forte Hotels and the National Caravan Council (now that was a lot of fun).

I soon graduated to running my own accounts while at WLK (full service agency), including British Airways, Avis International and Russell Hobbs. Before too long, I’d been given the dubious title of ‘Head of Food’ at Clark &Taylor Advertising, spending many happy hours touring the chicken kiev factory.

Eventually, my stomach couldn’t take it any more and I swapped chicken dinners for sampling new flavours of Skittles at 8am, working on Mars Confectionery at Grey Integrated. I was also responsible for internal/external communications programmes for Securicor Omega Express and BA World Cargo as well as managing accounts for Pedigree Pet Foods and RCA Columbia Pictures.

From there, I founded Wonderberry UK Ltd (Formerly NGFK Ltd).

We’re feeling nosy. What do you get up to when you’re not working?

In no particular order: eating good food, cooking new food, researching all food (written a book called The Great British Breakfast), drinking big red wines, enjoying art, passionate about travel, spending time with my child, skiing, the great outdoors, travel, marketing and ping pong!

And, apparently, you’re famous?

Well, perhaps that’s an exaggeration. But I was the first female to cycle up Snowdon in Wales – in November 1980. And I was a member of the British orienteering squad (W17) in 1980-81.


Some of my highlights at Wonderberry;

SKMBT_C28014110712540 (Medium) P060608_14.49[01] (Medium)

ChildHope Fun Run – Coming 1st despite torrential rain
Hatton Garden Jewellery Week – Styling £240,000 dress made of 40 metres of fabric spun from silk and platinum thread.

Key Players DB - Bros (Large) Key Players DB - Delta Dream Vactions Launch (Large) Key Players DB - Travelplanners TV Commercial (Large)

At the Red Fort, in Soho with one half of Bros!
Delta Dream Vacations launch – shooting the main image in a private pool in London
Travel Planners – TV commercial

Key Players DB - Hard-Fi (Large) Key Players DB - Chic (Large) Key Players DB - Bradford City Run (Large)

Hard-Fi – Bingley Music Live
On stage with Chic – Bingley Music Live
Bradford City Run – with the youngest and oldest contestants

Key Players DB - T3 Key Players DB - Ski USA (Large) Key Players DB - Tirol Mountain Bike (Large)

T3 Triples Ping Pong
Tirol – Ski and Mountain bike

Key Players DB - Mobile

On the way to a meeting with a brick! (I’ve still got it)


Patrick Falaniko

Creative Director


What do you enjoy (genuinely) about your job?

The buzz I get from ‘creativity on the coalface’; that feeling of being completely immersed in a project to the exclusion of everything else. I also (genuinely) enjoy the possibilities of helping my fellow human beings.

There must be more?

Michele’s cups of tea.

Where did you cut your teeth?

Born in Auckland, New Zealand, I graduated from The Auckland Institute of Art before becoming a senior designer at The Design Company.

I was soon lured to Wellington where I started my career in through-the-line communications as an art director. During this time, I was responsible for creating the Sky Tower logo as well as working on high-profile accounts including Tourism Wellington, Telecom New Zealand, ANZ Bank and New Zealand Post.

But as fate would have it, a great offer from Dunham Bremmer Advertising, a top five agency in New Zealand, took me back to Auckland to work with Sony Entertainment, Air New Zealand and Royal & SunAlliance. A fantastic opportunity that I couldn’t miss.

Eventually, I decided to broaden my horizons and spread my wings. My next move was to the UK giving me exposure to prestigious brands including the V&A, HSBC Group, Norwich Union and Royal Bank of Scotland. I then took the leap into the wonderful world of Wonderberry where I’ve been creative director since 2000.

My personal style?

I like to be dapper but I also like to dress down. I call it ‘down & dapper’.

Book on my bedside table?

The Art of Shaolin Kung Fu by Wong Kiew Kit; The Shaolin Workout by Sifu Shi Yan Ming and Instant Health: The Shaolin Qigong Workout for Longevity. (If you’re confused, see answer to next question.)

We’re feeling nosy. What do you get up to when you’re not working?

The study of Chinese Martial Arts and Beginners Tennis Coaching.

And, apparently, you’re famous?

Mostly for the Sky City logo and identity, largely dominated by the tower which commands most of the impressive skyline. My first claim to fame is a large sculpture commissioned by my local shopping centre.
